We hope all of you can make it to our
Hawaii wedding!
Here is some more detailed information about our big day to help with the planning for you and your family or guests- especially those of you who are coming in from out of town. This is also and opportunity to get more input and help from anyone that is interested in putting a special touch on our special day.
The wedding will take place at at our friends, Dave and Bhama's house in Pepeekeo, Hawaii Island 96783.
They have 10 acres of open space, grass and fruit trees with an ocean view.
Mahalo to Dave and Bhama for opening their private paradise to our wedding; it is more than we could ever ask for. They continue to amaze us with the depth of their generosity and friendship.
We will be using the private road to the south of the house for parking. This is the road that runs between Dave's property and the neighboring church. The road is part of Dave's property and it has a mowed shoulder without the scary invisible ditch drop off! Perfect! We will put up signs to direct people, but for those of you who frequent Dave and Bhama's, this will be a deviation from the norm, so keep that in mind. (I know, change is hard)
On Saturday July 3, 2010, the event will start at 2pm, with a fun-filled ceremony led by our very own Reverend Timber. Please arrive early to drop of your pot luck dish, grab a drink, get your picture taken and snag a seat. In addition to helping us get hitched, Timber will be offering tutorials on water safety and basic life skills.
Following the ceremony, there will be cocktails and yard games while the wedding party takes a few pictures.
As dinner time sets in, we will begin the buffet-style potluck. We will have an imu, so if you would like to contribute food (a pig maybe?) to the imu, please contact us to make arrangements to put your dish in Friday night.
Following the meal, we will be turning up the music for some dancing, yard games, a campfire and all around merriment.
The reception should last well into the night. We don't want anyone to drive when they ought not, so Dave and Bhama have opened their place for campers. Let us know if you need to borrow a tent, we can help with that. If you are looking to "share" a tent, you're on your own - but best of luck to you!
We are planning a brunch on Sunday morning for all of the campers. After you wake-up and fill-up, we would love some help with the clean-up! It will be a guaranteed good time. I know Timber and JP find the next day's recapping of events to be as entertaining as the night before. Besides, it's not like we hired a bunch of maids to do it!
It will be an outdoor affair on grass with an equal chance of scorching sun and heavy showers. Aren't the tropics great? Please plan accordingly. Have an umbrella and/or a light rain jacket handy and a sun hat and sunscreen. Of course, the weather will be easier to predict closer to the wedding date, but anything can happen.
It would be a good idea to leave the fancy footwear in the closet and roll with sandals or sneakers. That is, unless you want to aerate Dave's lawn with your heels or have someone carry you around all day!
The reception will be potluck. We ask that everyone bring a dish to share. By asking all of you for your generosity in sharing the burden of the meal, we are able to include all of the people in our lives in this very special celebration, instead of being restricted on the number of friends due to the cost of food. For this, we are so grateful to all of you for your contributions. Ultimately, this day is about sharing and celebrating, the commitment that we are making to each other, with all of the people that we share our lives with. We are tying to keep that in focus in our wedding day plans.
In an effort to have a balanced variety of food, it is probably best to make some assignments. We are going to make them broad so that they are not restrictive to anyone.
- If your last name is in the beginning of the alphabet, bring a salad or a side dish.
- If your last name is in the middle of the alphabet, bring a main dish.
- If your last name is at the end of the alphabet, bring a dessert, and
- If your last name is Price, make the cake.
Please make a card or label describing your food. This will allow those with food sensitivities or bad taste to choose food accordingly. Because it will be a while between the ceremony and dinner, there will be refrigeration and reheating options available at Dave and Bhama's.
We will have a few kegs for everyone to enjoy, but any additional contributions will be much appreciated, and they will ensure that the dance party can continue into the wee hours of the morning. Both adult beverages and those for all ages are encouraged. There will surely be several lawn games that will require prompt re-hydration.
Sharing in the Celebration
Sincerity and Community: that is what has made our time together in Hawaii so beautiful, and we are hoping to have those themes make our wedding memorable as well.
A call for talents:
If you have a special talent: music, dance, photography, floral arrangement, pig hunting etc with which you would like to contribute to the wedding, please let us know. By having our friends participate intimately in all of the various aspects of the wedding day, our special occasion is personalized in a meaningful way that could never be planned.(Check with us first since all talents may not be applicable)
Hilo Hospitality:
Because we have been collecting friends from around the world for a while now, there will (hopefully) be quite a few guests coming in from out of town for the big show. Typically, being our friend inherently means that you are frugal in your traveling strategy. To ease the impact on your wallet and stimulate new found friendships, we are putting the call out to our Big Island family for some help.
If you have some extra room at your house, or even in your yard and you'd like to participate in the Adopt a Friend program let us know. For those of you coming in from out of town, let us know if you need to be adopted and we can pair people up. You just have to promise not to become better friends with each other than you are with us!
Well, that is the Long story short on the Hawaii wedding, We hope that you are feeling inspired and excited about this special event because we certainly are. Let us know if there is any other information we can provide and check back in with this blog for updates as the big day approaches!
Love and Aloha,
Sarah and Mike
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